883. Remarkable Triangles

In this problem we consider triangles drawn on a hexagonal lattice, where each lattice point in the plane has six neighbouring points equally spaced around it, all distance 1 away.

We call a triangle remarkable if

Above are four examples of remarkable triangles, with 60 angles illustrated in red. Triangles A and B have inradius 1; C has inradius 3; D has inradius 2.

Define T(r) to be the number of remarkable triangles with inradius r. Rotations and reflections, such as triangles A and B above, are counted separately; however direct translations are not. That is, the same triangle drawn in different positions of the lattice is only counted once.

You are given T(0.5)=2, T(2)=44, and T(10)=1302.

Find T(106).

883. 显著三角形

在本题中,我们考虑如下六边形网格:对于每个格点,其周围都有 6 个与其相距 1 个单位长度的相邻格点,且这 6 个点呈正六边形分布。

我们称某六边形网格上的三角形是 显著的,当且仅当:

上图中,A、B、C、D 四个三角形都是显著三角形,它们的内切圆半径分别是 1132

T(r) 为内切圆半径 r 的显著三角形的个数,经旋转、镜像翻转后才相同的两个三角形(如上图中 A、B 两个三角形)被认为是不同的,但是经平移后完全相同的两个三角形被认为是相同的。已知:T(0.5)=2T(2)=44T(10)=1302


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