862. Larger Digit Permutation

For a positive integer n define T(n) to be the number of strictly larger integers which can be formed by permuting the digits of n.

Leading zeros are not allowed and so for n=2302 the total list of permutations would be:


giving T(2302)=4.

Further define S(k) to be the sum of T(n) for all k-digit numbers n. You are given S(3)=1701.

Find S(12).

862. 更大的数位排列数

对某正整数 n,我们记 T(n) 为:通过排列 n 的数位,可以得到的严格大于 n 的数的个数。排列数位时,不允许前导零。所以对 n=2302,所有可以通过排列 n 的数位得到的数有:



再记 S(k) 为全体 k 位十进制数 nT(n) 之和。已知 S(3)=1701


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