849. The Tournament

In a tournament there are teams and each team plays each other team twice. A team gets two points for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a loss.

With two teams there are three possible outcomes for the total points. where a team wins twice, where a team wins and draws, and where either there are two draws or a team wins one game and loses the other. Here we do not distinguish the teams and so and are considered identical.

Let be the total number of possible final outcomes with teams, so that . You are also given .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

849. 锦标赛

某锦标赛有 支队伍参加。每支队伍将与其余每支队伍进行两次比赛。每场比赛的胜者得 2 分,败者得 0 分;若双方战平,则双方各得 1 分。

只有两支队伍时,它们可能的得分情况只会有如下 3 种:某队胜两次,则两队得分情况为 ;某队胜一次、平一次,则两队得分情况为 ;两队都胜一场、败一场,则两队得分情况为 。本题中不考虑不同队伍所带来的顺序问题,也就是说, 被认为是相同的得分情况。

我们记在有 支队伍参赛时,可能的得分情况的数量为 。已知


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