848. Guessing with Sets

Two players play a game. At the start of the game each player secretly chooses an integer; the first player from and the second player from . Then they take alternate turns, starting with the first player. The player, whose turn it is, displays a set of numbers and the other player tells whether their secret number is in the set or not. The player to correctly guess a set with a single number is the winner and the game ends.

Let be the winning probability of the first player assuming both players play optimally. For example and .

You are also given .

Find and give your answer rounded to 8 digits after the decimal point.

848. 集合猜数游戏

两位玩家在玩一个猜数字的游戏。开始时,第一位、第二位玩家分别从 的正整数、 的正整数中选择一个数,两人都把自己选择的数保密。随后从第一位玩家开始,两人轮流告诉对方一个正整数集,而对方必须如实回答自己所选择的数是否在该正整数集中。最先猜出对方所选择的数的人即为胜者。

假设两人均采取最优策略,记 为第一位玩家获胜的概率。如有 。亦已知:

,将你的答案四舍五入至小数点后第 8 位。

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