847. Jack's Bean

Jack has three plates in front of him. The giant has beans that he distributes to the three plates. All the beans look the same, but one of them is a magic bean. Jack doesn't know which one it is, but the giant knows.

Jack can ask the giant questions of the form: "Does this subset of the beans contain the magic bean?" In each question Jack may choose any subset of beans from a single plate, and the giant will respond truthfully.

If the three plates contain , and beans respectively, we let be the minimal number of questions Jack needs to ask in order to guarantee he locates the magic bean. For example, and .

Let be the sum of over all triples of non-negative integers , , with . You are given: and .

A repunit, , is a number made up with digits all '1'. For example, and .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

847. 杰克的豆子

杰克面前有三个空盘子。一位巨人将 粒外表完全一样的豆子随机分至这三个盘中。这 粒豆子中有一粒“魔法豆”,杰克并不知道“魔法豆”是哪一粒,但巨人知道。


为:当三个盘子分别盛有 粒豆子时,为了保证找到“魔法豆”,杰克最少需要询问的问题数。已知:

进一步记 为:对于所有满足 的非负整数三元组 之和。已知:

全一数(repunit) 的十进制表达由 个 1 组成。已知:


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