844. -Markov Numbers

Consider positive integer solutions to

For example, is a solution. We define a 3-Markov number to be any part of a solution, so , and are all 3-Markov numbers. Adding distinct 3-Markov numbers would give .

Now we define a -Markov number to be a positive integer that is part of a solution to:

Let be the sum of -Markov numbers . Hence , also .

Define . You are given and .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

844. -马尔科夫数


就是该方程的一组正整数解。我们定义:任意一组解中的任意一个数都是 3-马尔科夫数,如 都是 3-马尔科夫数。对 的 3-马尔科夫数求和,结果为 相似的,定义 -马尔科夫数为以下方程的任意一组解中的任意一个正整数:


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