843. Periodic Circles

This problem involves an iterative procedure that begins with a circle of integers. At each step every number is simultaneously replaced with the absolute difference of its two neighbours.

For any initial values, the procedure eventually becomes periodic.

Let be the sum of all possible periods for . For example, , because the possible periods for are . Specifically, and can each have period only, while can have period or , and can have period or .

You are also given .

Find .

843. 周期圆环

在本题中,一开始会有一个含 )个整数的环。接下来的每一步中,环上的每一个数都会变成其相邻两个数之差的绝对值。这一过程不断迭代往复。


为:在 时,所有可能的周期长度之和。已知:。因为 时周期为 时周期为 时周期为 。所有可能的周期为 。已知:

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