829. Integral Fusion

Given any integer a binary factor tree is defined to be:

For example :

We define to be the smallest number that has a factor tree identical in shape to the factor tree for , the double factorial of .

For example, consider . The factor tree for is shown below together with the factor tree for which is the smallest number that has a factor tree of the same shape. Hence .

Find .

829. 整数合成

对于任意整数 ,其二叉因子树 定义如下:


为满足如下条件的最小整数,使得该数的二叉因子树与 的双阶乘)的二叉因子树形状完全一致。如下图, 时, 的二叉因子树与 的二叉因子树形状完全一致,而且 是满足此条件的最小正整数,故

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