828. Numbers Challenge

It is a common recreational problem to make a target number using a selection of other numbers. In this problem you will be given six numbers and a target number.

For example, given the six numbers , , , , , , and a target of , one possible solution is:

This uses all six numbers. However, it is not necessary to do so. Another solution that does not use the is:

Define the score of a solution to be the sum of the numbers used. In the above example problem, the two given solutions have scores and respectively. It turns out that this problem has no solutions with score less than .

When combining numbers, the following rules must be observed:

The attached file number-challenges.txt contains 200 problems, one per line in the format:


where the number before the colon is the target and the remaining comma-separated numbers are those available to be used.

Numbering the problems 1, 2, ..., 200, we let be the minimum score of the solution to the th problem. For example, , as the first problem in the file is the example given above. Note that not all problems have a solution; in such cases we take .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

828. 数字挑战


例如,给定六个数字 ,目标数字为 时,一种可能的解法如下:


定义一个解法的分数为所有使用的数字之和。以上两个解法的分数分别为 。可以发现,在本题中,没有解法的分数会低于


下发文件 number-challenges.txt 包括 200 道题目,每道题的格式如下:



将所有题目编号为 。记 为第 题所有解法的最小得分。如上所述,。注意,不是所有题目都有解。若有题目无解,则置


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