825. Chasing Game

Two cars are on a circular track of total length , facing the same direction, initially distance apart. They move in turn. At each turn, the moving car will advance a distance of , or , with equal probabilities. The chase ends when the moving car reaches or goes beyond the position of the other car. The moving car is declared the winner.

Let be the difference between the winning probabilities of the two cars. For example, when , the winning probabilities of the two cars are and , and thus .

Let .

You are given that rounded to 8 digits after the decimal point.

Find , rounded to 8 digits after the decimal point.

825. 追逐游戏

两辆车在一条总长为 的圆形赛道上同向而行。初始时两辆车相距 个单位长度。

两辆车轮流移动,追逐对方。每一轮中,该轮的追逐车会等概率的选择沿赛道向前移动 个、 个或 个单位长度。若某一轮中,追逐车成功抵达或者超过被追逐车的位置,则追逐结束,此轮的追逐车获胜。

为两辆车获胜的概率之差。例如, 时,两辆车获胜的概率分别为 ,故

再记 。已知 在四舍五入至小数点后第 8 位后为

,将你的答案四舍五入至小数点后第 8 位。

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