823. Factor Shuffle

A list initially contains the numbers . At each round, every number in the list is divided by its smallest prime factor. Then the product of these smallest prime factors is added to the list as a new number. Finally, all numbers that become are removed from the list.

For example, below are the first three rounds for :

Let be the sum of all numbers in the list after rounds.

For example, . Also .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

823. 因子重排

某列表最初含有 这些数。

每一轮中,所有在列表中的数都会被除以其最小的质因数,然后这些最小质因数之积会被加入这个列表,最后所有 都会被从这个列表中移出。例如,下面是 时的前三轮操作:



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