821. 123-Separable

A set, , of integers is called 123-separable if , and are disjoint. Here and are obtained by multiplying all the elements in by and respectively.

Define to be the maximum number of elements of

where ranges over all 123-separable sets.

For example, can be achieved with either or . You are also given .

Find .

821. 可 123 分离的

如果某整数集 满足: 两两交集为空集,则称集合 可 123 分离的。其中, 分别是通过把 中元素分别乘以 得到的新集合。

为对于所有可 123 分离的整数集 中元素个数的最大值。例如,。这可以在 时取到。同理

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