819. Iterative Sampling

Given an -tuple of numbers another -tuple is created where each element of the new -tuple is chosen randomly from the numbers in the previous -tuple. For example, given the probability that occurs in the first position in the next 3-tuple is . The probability of getting all 's would be while the probability of getting the same 3-tuple (in any order) would be .

Let be the expected number of steps starting with and ending with all numbers being the same.

You are given and rounded to 6 digits after the decimal place.

Find . Give the answer rounded to 6 digits after the decimal place.

819. 迭代取样法

给定一组初始的 元集,随后我们利用它再生成一个新的 元集。新的 元集中的每一个元素都是从先前的 元集中等概率随机选择的。例如:给定初始三元集 ,则下一个集合中,在第一个位置出现 的概率就是 、生成全 三元集的概率是 而再次生成 的概率是

给定初始 元集 ,其经若干次上述操作后重新变回初始的 元集。我们记 为这操作次数的期望。你已知 (四舍五入至小数点后第 6 位)。

。将你的答案四舍五入至小数点后第 6 位。

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