807. Loops of Ropes

Given a circle and an integer , we perform the following operations.

In step , we choose two uniformly random points and on . In step (), we first choose a uniformly random point on and connect the points and with a red rope; then choose a uniformly random point on and connect the points and with a blue rope. In step , we first connect the points and with a red rope; then connect the points and with a blue rope. Each rope is straight between its two end points, and lies above all previous ropes.

After step , we get a loop of red ropes, and a loop of blue ropes. Sometimes the two loops can be separated, as in the left figure below; sometimes they are "linked", hence cannot be separated, as in the middle and right figures below.

Let be the probability that the two loops can be separated. For example, and .

Find , rounded to digits after decimal point.

807. 绳环

给定圆 以及正整数 ,随后我们进行如下操作:

步时,我们在 上均匀随机地选出两个点 步中,我们在 上均匀随机地选出一个点 ,然后用一根红色绳连接 。随后,我们在 上均匀随机地选出一个点 ,然后用一根蓝色绳连接 步时,我们将 用一根红色绳连接,将 用一根蓝色绳连接。 保证每根绳子均绷紧,并位于目前所有绳子的上方。


为两个绳环能被分开的概率。 例如

,将你的答案四舍五入至小数点后第 位。

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