806. Nim on Towers of Hanoi

This problem combines the game of Nim with the Towers of Hanoi. For a brief introduction to the rules of these games, please refer to Problem 301 and Problem 497, respectively.

The unique shortest solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem with disks and pegs requires moves. Number the positions in the solution from index 0 (starting position, all disks on the first peg) to index (final position, all disks on the third peg).

Each of these positions can be considered as the starting configuration for a game of Nim, in which two players take turns to select a peg and remove any positive number of disks from it. The winner is the player who removes the last disk.

We define to be the sum of the indices of those positions for which, when considered as a Nim game, the first player will lose (assuming an optimal strategy from both players).

For , the indices of losing positions in the shortest solution are 3,6,9 and 12. So we have .

You are given that .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

806. 汉诺塔上的尼姆游戏

此问题结合了尼姆取石子(Nim)游戏、汉诺塔问题两种游戏。如需这两种游戏的简介,请分别参阅 301 题、497 题。

对于有 张圆盘, 个柱子的汉诺塔问题,其唯一的步骤数最少的解法需要 次移动。我们将其过程中出现的盘面状态按序标号。初始状态(所有圆盘均在 1 号柱上)标为 ,最终状态(所有圆盘均在 3 号柱上)标为

个盘面状态均可以作为一次尼姆取石子游戏的初始状态。在此游戏中,两名玩家轮流选择一根柱子并从该柱子中移除任意数量(但不可为 0)的圆盘。移除最后一张圆盘者胜。


时,标号为 的盘面状态符合要求。故 。同理可知


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