805. Shifted Multiples

For a positive integer , let be the integer obtained by shifting the leftmost digit of the decimal representation of to the rightmost position. For example, and .

For a positive rational number , we define as the smallest positive integer such that . If no such integer exists, then is defined as zero. For example, , and .

Let be the sum of where ranges over all ordered pairs of coprime positive integers not exceeding . For example, .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

805. 平移中的倍数关系

对于正整数 ,将其十进制表示中的最左侧的一位移至最右侧,可以得到一个新的正整数,将其记为 。如

对于正有理数 ,记 为满足 的最小正整数 。如不存在这样的正整数,则记 。例如有 ,

为所有 之和,其中 取遍所有满足 互质的二元组。已:


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