802. Iterated Composition

Let be the set of pairs of real numbers . Let .

Consider the function from to defined by , and its -th iterated composition . For example . A pair is said to have period if is the smallest positive integer such that .

Let denote the sum of -coordinates of all points having period not exceeding . Interestingly, is always an integer. For example, , , .

Find and give your answer modulo .

802. 迭代复合


考虑一个函数 ,其对应法则为 。记此函数的 次复合为 ,例如 。如果某二元组 满足 ,则记满足此等式的最小正整数 为该二元组的周期。

为满足下述条件的实数之和:以该实数为第一个元素的二元组的周期1 均不超过 。有意思的是, 一直是整数。已知:


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1 原译文参照英文原文。但是考虑到突然出现 坐标有些突兀,故更换表述。