799. Pentagonal Puzzle

Pentagonal numbers are generated by the formula: giving the sequence:

Some pentagonal numbers can be expressed as the sum of two other pentagonal numbers. For example:

3577 is the smallest pentagonal number that can be expressed as the sum of two pentagonal numbers in two different ways

107602 is the smallest pentagonal number that can be expressed as the sum of two pentagonal numbers in three different ways.

Find the smallest pentagonal number that can be expressed as the sum of two pentagonal numbers in over 100 different ways.

799. 五边形数谜题

五边形数的通项为 ,其前几项如下:


3577 是最小的,可以通过两种不同方法拆分成两个五边形数之和的数字。

107602 是最小的,可以通过三种不同方法拆分成两个五边形数之和的数字。


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