797. Cyclogenic Polynomials

A monic polynomial is a single-variable polynomial in which the coefficient of highest degree is equal to 1.

Define to be the set of all monic polynomials with integer coefficients (including the constant polynomial ). A polynomial is cyclogenic if there exists and a positive integer such that . If is the smallest such positive integer then is -cyclogenic.

Define to be the sum of all -cyclogenic polynomials. For example, there exist ten 6-cyclogenic polynomials (which divide and no smaller ):


Also define It's given that and .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

797. 可成圆多项式1

首 1 多项式,是最高次数项的系数为 1 的单变元多项式。

为所有整系数首 1 多项式的集合(包括常项式 )。若多项式 满足:存在多项式 与正整数 使得 成立,则称 可成圆的多项式。如果上述等式里 是最小的可使等式成立的正整数,则称 -可成圆的多项式。

为所有 -可成圆的多项式之和。例如,共有 10 个 6-可成圆的多项式(可整除 ,不可整除 更小的 ):





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1 标题翻译参照数学中的「分圆(割圆)多项式(cyclotomic polynomial)」。