790. Clock Grid

There is a grid of length and width 50515093 populated with a clock in each grid square. The clocks are all analogue showing a single hour hand initially pointing at 12.

A sequence is created where:

The four numbers represent a range within the grid, with the first pair of numbers representing the x-bounds and the second pair representing the y-bounds. For example, if , the range would be and , and would include 196 clocks.

For each , the clocks within the range represented by are moved to the next hour .

We define to be the sum of the hours that the clock hands are pointing to after timestep . You are given , , and .

Find .

790. 时钟网格

现有一个长、宽均为 50515093 的网格。每一个小方格里均有一个初始指向 12 点的时钟。

定义序列 满足:

故我们可以用一个四元组 来表示网格内的一个子矩形;其中,这个四元组的前两个数代表 坐标的范围,后两个数代表 坐标的范围。例如,若四元组 ,则其表示网格中 的一部分;这一部分有 196 个时钟。

对于每一个时刻 ,在四元组 所表示的子矩形范围内的时钟将按 的规则向前移动 1 小时。

为在 时刻后,所有时钟所指向的小时数之和。已知

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