783. Urns

Given and two positive integers we begin with an urn that contains white balls. We then proceed through turns where on each turn black balls are added to the urn and then random balls are removed from the urn.

We let be the number of black balls that are removed on turn .

Further define as the expectation of .

You are given

Find . Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

783. 球瓮

我们有一个装有 个白球的球瓮,其中 为两个给定的正整数。接下来,我们进行 轮操作。每一轮操作中,我们往瓮中加入 个黑球,然后随机从球瓮中拿出 个球。

为在第 轮操作中被拿出的黑球个数。再记 的期望值。已知


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