781. Feynman Diagrams

Let be the number of connected graphs with blue edges (directed) and red edges (undirected) containing:

For example, because there are 5 graphs with these properties:

You are also given .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

NOTE: Feynman diagrams are a way of visualising the forces between elementary particles. Vertices represent interactions. The blue edges in our diagrams represent matter particles (e.g. electrons or positrons) with the arrow representing the flow of charge. The red edges (normally wavy lines) represent the force particles (e.g. photons). Feynman diagrams are used to predict the strength of particle interactions.

781. 费曼图


例如 ,这 张符合要求的图如下:




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1 现翻译参照英文原文和 Richard Xu (sx349) 的翻译。原翻译参照 Eric Weisstein's World of Physics 与 Wikipedia 镜像中的页面。(EW's world of Physics: In such a diagram, all particles are represented by lines, with straight lines representing fermions and wavy lines representing bosons (except for the Higgs boson, which is usually represented by a dashed line, and gluons, which are usually represented by loops).)