777. Lissajous Curves

For coprime positive integers and , let be the curve defined by:

where varies between 0 and .

For example, the images below show (left) and (right):

Define , where the sum is over all points (x, y) at which crosses itself.

For example, in the case of illustrated above, the curve crosses itself at two points: (0.31, 0) and (-0.81, 0), rounding coordinates to two decimal places, yielding . Some other examples are , , , and .

Let , where this sum is over all pairs of coprime integers with and . You are given that and .

Find . Give your answer in scientific notation rounded to 10 significant digits; for example would be given as 2.425650500e7.

777. 利萨茹曲线

对于互质的两个正整数 ,定义曲线 为满足下述参数方程的曲线,其中 取遍


为: 中所有自相交的点 到原点距离的平方的和。即

观察左图, 有两个自相交点:(所有坐标四舍五入到小数点后两位),从而 。已知:


。将你的答案用科学记数法表示,并把小数部分四舍五入至第 10 位有效数字。如 应被表示为 2.425650500e7。

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