772. Balanceable -bounded Partitions

A -bounded partition of a positive integer is a way of writing as a sum of positive integers not exceeding .

A balanceable partition is a partition that can be further divided into two parts of equal sums.

For example, is a balanceable -bounded partition of since . Conversely, is a -bounded partition of which is not balanceable.

Let be the smallest positive integer all of whose -bounded partitions are balanceable. For example, and .

Find . Give your answer modulo .

772. 可平衡 -有界分拆

将某正整数 分拆为若干不大于 的正整数的和的方式被称为 的一种 -有界分拆。若分拆出来的数可以被分为两组,且这两组内的数的和相等,则称该分拆方式为可平衡分拆。

的一种可平衡 -有界分拆,因为 。而 就不是 的一种可平衡 -有界分拆。

为最小的满足下述条件的正整数 :其 -有界分拆都是可平衡分拆。已知


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