768. Chandelier

A certain type of chandelier contains a circular ring of evenly spaced candleholders.
If only one candle is fitted, then the chandelier will be imbalanced. However, if a second identical candle is placed in the opposite candleholder (assuming is even) then perfect balance will be achieved and the chandelier will hang level.

Let be the number of ways of arranging identical candles in distinct sockets of a chandelier with candleholders such that the chandelier is perfectly balanced.

For example, : assuming the chandelier's four candleholders are aligned with the compass points, the two valid arrangements are "North & South" and "East & West". Note that these are considered to be different arrangements even though they are related by rotation.

You are given that and .

Find .

768. 吊灯1

某枝形吊灯上均匀分布了 盏烛台。如果只放置 1 根蜡烛,这吊灯必定受力不平衡;但是 为偶数是,只要把 2 根蜡烛分别放在两个在环状吊灯上相对的烛台中时,吊灯就受力平衡了。

为在某含有 盏烛台的环形吊灯中放置 根完全一样的蜡烛,且能使吊灯受力平衡的方案数。

例如 为 2:将吊灯的 4 盏烛台与指南针的 4 个方向对齐,那么这两根蜡烛可以放在代表南、北,或者代表东、西的烛台中。虽然这两种摆放方式在旋转后是一致的,但在本题中我们认为这两方案是不同的。


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1 chandelier: a branched often ornate lighting fixture suspended from a ceiling。韦氏词典对此给出了配图,可前往链接查看。