723. Pythagorean Quadrilaterals

A pythagorean triangle with catheti and and hypotenuse is characterized by the well-known equation . However, this can also be formulated differently:

When inscribed into a circle with radius , a triangle with sides , and is pythagorean, if and only if .

Analogously, we call a quadrilateral with sides , , and , inscribed in a circle with radius , a pythagorean quadrilateral, if .

We further call a pythagorean quadrilateral a pythagorean lattice grid quadrilateral, if all four vertices are lattice grid points with the same distance from the origin (which then happens to be the centre of the circumcircle).

Let be the number of different pythagorean lattice grid quadrilaterals for which the radius of the circumcircle is . For example , , and .

Two of the pythagorean lattice grid quadrilaterals with are illustrated below:

Let . For example, and .

Find .

723. 毕达哥拉斯四边形

为直角边, 为斜边的直角三角形有一个鲜明的特征:符合大名鼎鼎的勾股定理 。然而,勾股定理还有另一种表述的方法:若一个三角形边长分别为 ,且这个三角形内接于一个半径为 的圆,那么当且仅当 时,这个三角形是直角三角形。

类似的,若一个四边形边长分别为 ,且这个四边形内接于一个半径为 的圆。若 ,我们就称这个四边形为毕达哥拉斯四边形。进一步地,以该圆外心为原点,建立平面直角坐标系。定义毕达哥拉斯格点四边形为四个点均为格点的毕达哥拉斯四边形。

为外接圆半径为 时,不同的毕达哥拉斯格点四边形的个数。已知:

下图是两个外接圆半径为 时的毕达哥拉斯格点四边形。


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