719. Number Splitting

We define an -number to be a natural number, , that is a perfect square and its square root can be obtained by splitting the decimal representation of into or more numbers then adding the numbers.

For example, 81 is an -number because .
6724 is an -number: .
8281 is an -number: .
9801 is an -number: .

Further we define to be the sum of all numbers . You are given .


719. 数字分划

若某自然数是平方数,且其平方根能通过将该数的十进制表达分成 个及以上的部分之和得到,则称其为 -数。

例如有 ,故 -数。 也是 -数,因为

再记 为所有小于等于 -数之和。已知:

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