695. Random Rectangles

Three points, , and , are randomly selected within a unit square. Consider the three rectangles with sides parallel to the sides of the unit square and a diagonal that is one of the three line segments , or (see picture below).

We are interested in the rectangle with the second biggest area. In the example above that happens to be the green rectangle defined with the diagonal .

Find the expected value of the area of the second biggest of the three rectangles. Give your answer rounded to 10 digits after the decimal point.

695. 随机矩形

在单位正方形上,随机选取三个点 。考虑三个满足如下条件的矩形:其有与单位正方形平行的边,且其对角线为 三条线段中的一条。(见下图)

我们对于面积第二大的矩形很感兴趣。本例中,面积第二大的是以 为对角线的绿色矩形。

求面积第二大的矩形的期望面积,并将你的答案四舍五入至小数点后第 10 位。

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