694. Cube-full Divisors

A positive integer is considered cube-full, if for every prime that divides , so does . Note that is considered cube-full.

Let be the function that counts the number of cube-full divisors of . For example, , and are the three cube-full divisors of . Therefore, .

Let represent the summatory function of , that is .

You are given , and .

Find .

694. 满立方约数

对于一个正整数 ,如果对于 的每个质因子 ,都有 的约数,就称这个正整数 满立方数。注意, 也是满立方数。

的满立方约数的个数。例如, 的三个满立方约数。从而

的前缀和函数,即 。已知

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