693. Finite Sequence Generator

Two positive integers and () can generate a sequence in the following manner:

The number of terms in this sequence is denoted .

For example, with and , we get , , , etc. Giving the sequence of 29 terms: Hence .

is defined to be the maximum value of for . For example, .

Further, define to be the maximum value of for . For example, and .

Find .

693. 有限序列生成器

我们可以使用两个正整数 ),通过以下方式生成一个序列:


例如: 时,可以得到 ,如此往复,可以得到这个序列的 29 个项: ,故

为对于所有 的最大值。已知:

为对于所有 的最大值。已知:

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