688. Piles of Plates

We stack plates into non-empty piles where each pile is a different size. Define to be the maximum number of plates possible in the smallest pile. For example when and the piles is the best that can be done and so . It is impossible to divide 10 into 5 non-empty piles and hence .

Define to be the sum of for all possible pile sizes . For example .

Further define . You are given .

Find giving your answer modulo .

688. 几堆盘子

我们将 个盘子分成 堆,这 堆必须非空,且每一堆的盘子数量互不相同。记 为含有盘子最少的一堆里,最多可以拥有的盘子数量。例如, 时,因为有方案 且没有更优方案,从而 。因为不可能将 10 个盘子分成非空的,且大小互不相同的 5 堆,从而

为对所有可能的 之和。例如有

再记 。已知:


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