681. Maximal Area

Given positive integers , it may be possible to form quadrilaterals with edge lengths (in any order). When this is the case, let denote the maximal area of such a quadrilateral. For example, , attained e.g. by a rectangle.

Let be the sum of over all choices for which is a positive integer not exceeding . and .

Find .

681. 最大化面积

给定正整数 ,可能可以形成边长为 (顺序任意)的四边形。如果可以形成四边形的话,记 为能形成的四边形中面积的最大值。例如 ,这个值在形成的四边形为 的矩形时取到。

为所有满足以下条件的四元组 之和:。已知:

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