679. Freefarea

Let be the set consisting of the four letters . For , let denote the set of words of length consisting of letters belonging to . We designate the words as keywords.

Let be the number of words in that contains all four keywords exactly once.

This first happens for , and indeed there is a unique lettered word that contain each of the keywords once: So, .

You are also given that .

Find .

679. Freefarea1

为四元字符集 对于正整数 ,记 为:只包含 中的字符且长度为 的字符串的集合。我们将 四个词指定为 关键词

为: 中,恰好包含四个关键词各一次的字符串的个数。

时,出现第一个合法的字符串 。从而 。亦已知

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1 考虑到本题以四个关键词为主体,以及FREEFAREA 中四个关键词的顺序,故本题原定标题为”免费(free)、礁脉(reef)、费用(fare)、面积(area)“。后来在与审稿人讨论后决定不译。