678. Fermat-like Equations

If a triple of positive integers satisfies , it is called a Pythagorean triple. No triple satisfies when (Fermat's Last Theorem). However, if the exponents of the left-hand side and right-hand side differ, this is not true. For example, .

Let be all positive integers, , , and . Let be the number of such that . You are given , , and .

Find .

678. 费马式方程

如果一个正整数三元组 满足 ,则称其为毕达哥拉斯三元组。

时,费马大定理指出,没有任何正整数三元组 满足 。但是,如果等号左边的指数与右边不一样,这方程就可能有正整数解了。例如有

为满足方程 的正整数五元组 的个数,其中 满足:。已知:

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