676. Matching Digit Sums

Let be the digit sum of the number in base . For example , since . When using different bases, the respective digit sums most of the time deviate from each other, for example .

However, for some numbers there will be a match, like . Let be the sum of all natural numbers for which . For example, , and .

Find , giving the last 16 digits as the answer.

676. 匹配数位和

定义 进制下的数位和。例如,因为 ,故 。当进制不同时,大多数情况下,这些进制下的数位和不相等。例如

但是,对于某些数字 ,在某些进制下,它们的数位和是相等的,就如 。令 为所有满足 的自然数 之和。已知:

求出 ,你只需给出答案的最后 16 位。

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